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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oppression Was Abolished!

What does oppression mean? The condition of being treated unjustly and living without freedom. And sadly, in the year 2011, gay's and lesbian's are still being oppressed. In fact, gay's and lesbian's are being denied the right to happiness, employment, housing, and much more; solely based on their sexual orinetation, lack of education, and financial means.

Even sadder, since filing my lawsuit against Zondervan, Thomas Nelson, and William Tyndale Publishing, for discriminating against homosexuals, I have endured ridicule on more than thirty-four million websites around the globe. Even more shattering, many of those opposing my efforts were LGBT people. However, I cannot help but question how anyone could argue against my plight,especially LGBT people.

Certainly with the increase of LGBT suicides by young gay teens, it's quite obvious discrimination against gay's and lesbian's should be addressed. Yet my efforts seem to have gone unnoticed and unappreciated by the very people I was standing up and fighting for.

Contrary to my past, I'm a citizen of the United States, and deserve the same level of equal treatment and protection under the law, as the next person.

So where is my freedom? Oh, forgive my ignorance. I forgot, I have the freedom to turn on my television and watch what I desire; at least, what is available to watch according to the dictatorship of those who control the networks. I also have the freedom to come and go from my front door. But I must be careful of being attacked by some female who believes I'm supposed to be with her, because her mother told her such fairy tales.

Excuse me for studying the law, but all of this sounds like oppression to me. And, I'm pretty sure it sounds like oppression to you.

Nevertheless, while I'm still battling to promote equality and HIV disclosure, countless homosexuals are busy enjoying their lives, getting married, and having a grand ole' time. Meanwhile, I'm feverishly trying to maintain my life against hateful ignorance and those who feel it necessary to constantly block my emails, hacking into my email accounts and change my passwords, and sabotoge ever campaign effort I'm pursuing.

Therefore, justice to me, at least here in the United States, means I should be paying for protective custody in order to gain my freedom to be who and what I am. And this too, seems like oppression. Therefore, I guess my only means of overcoming such oppression, is joining the rest of those who have submitted to such evil.

But wouldn't that be unjustly? After all, the day I confessed Christ as my Lord and Savior, was the day I was supposedly be set free from all of this wickedness in the first place. Obviosuly not.

So my question to many of you is, why must we be forced to be apart of any organization we don't desire to be a part of, in order to live our lives free from ignorance? The Declaration of Independence was signed to guarantee me and everyone else born in this country, the right to be free, the right to be safe in our person, home, and papers. It didn't include under the grounds of religion, sexual orientation, bullying, oppression, protection fees, or anything that would make our lives unbearable.

Yet, sadly, even in 2011, LGBT poeple are still being faced with hate, ridicule, threats, and so many more evils perpetrated by the very adults in charge of our legal and judicial system.

My fellow Americans, it's time we all wake up and unite against this unjust and inhumane treatment we are being subjected to. If not, we are no better off than the slaves, who were shipped over here on ships without their consent.

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